You are not alone. Recovery is possible.
Redefining Recovery. Restoring Hope.
At Community Bridges, Inc., we are redefining recovery for our patients. How? We understand substance use and behavioral health because we’ve walked in your shoes. We design unique treatment plans to fit your needs. We implement proven techniques that work.

Yuma Adolescent Program
CBI is the leader in addiction treatment for adolescents in Arizona.
Our staff of practitioners, case managers and counselors use age-specific interventions to guide and support teens on their journey through addiction recovery.
For adolescents, we provide a virtual intensive outpatient program group focused on substance use disorders. We offer the following virtual adolescent services in Yuma:
Evaluation and medical consultation
Family engagement
Individual counseling
Medicated Assisted Treatment (available in-person on a case-by-case basis for those with opioid use disorder)
Peer support
Coordination of care among mental, physical and recovery clinicians

Yuma Adult Services
Virtual & In-Person
At CBI, we go beyond medical detox for our patients.
Our team of experts excel at helping patients repair the feelings associated with life after addiction.
Using integrated behavioral, physical and/or medication therapies, we help our patients navigate a new life without dependence on drugs and alcohol and restore hope.
Our services for adults in Yuma focus on outpatient and substance use.
Are you ready to begin your road to recovery? Let us help you!
Please fill out the form below to start your journey. You can also call us at (928) 373-6743 or use the live chat on our website to start a conversation.
Are you eligible for our services?
CBI accepts all patients. We are contracted with all Arizona Complete Care health plans and many private insurances as well as Tribal/Indian Health Service (IHS). If a patient is uninsured or underinsured, we help assist in applying for AHCCCS and connect them with relevant resources without compromising care.